Why we write

Dec 18, 2012Write!

I’ve been walking through some soul searching of late, trying to figure out why-oh-why I write, and how my words specifically benefit you.

My friend Heidi, who is sweet, smart and amazing, sent me this utterly helpful Oswald Chambers’ quote. I had never heard or read it before, but it gets at why I write. I pen words to give YOU a voice. To help you put words to something that’s perplexed you, so you can show a friend or spouse and say, “Hey, this is exactly how I feel right now.”

I wrote Thin Places, my memoir, with this intent in mind. And when I write highly vulnerable posts, I’m not doing it so you’ll feel sorry for me. I write because God’s gifted me to do so. He’s enabled me to be painfully honest without fear (It’s taken me a long time to realize this is a gift and not a liability). And when I’m honest, I tend to write the words you deeply relate to.

I write so you don’t feel alone. I write so you can put words to what’s going on in your heart. I write so you’ll be set free.

May it be that we all strive to write words that help us all understand the truth we wrestle with.

At the beginning of 2013, I’m rolling out with 13 days to a new heart, new life–all with this in mind. My hope is that I’ll write the words that resonate with where you are, help you evaluate your deepest struggles, and invite God to change you from the inside out. I’ll write more about it in the upcoming days and weeks. But be watching for it.

Q4u: If you’re a writer, why do you write?