First Service a Success

Thank you, Lakepointe, for printing our banners! Julia wanted to help. She put candles in votive holders (with a smile!). We set up the room cafe style. This is how the table tops looked. The bulletins and other information was placed inside the buckets. Sophie and...

Gearing Up

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY! Our first Crossroads International Christian Church of the Cote d’Azur (say that ten times fast!) has its first official public gathering tomorrow at 3:30. Our team is running around like crazy people. I’m printing off bulletins as...

Crazy is as Crazy does!

I feel a bit nutty these days, getting ready for our first public service this Saturday, writing under deadline, and being away from home far too many days. In the last 36 days, I’ve been gone 20 of them, all for church-planting related business. I just want to...

Mary, I am not

Please forgive my yoda-speak. I’ve been thinking about that story where two women interact with Jesus–one named Mary, one named Martha. Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, adoring Him, listening to Him, being with Him while Martha bothers herself with tasks...