Crocodile God

I’m finished with the book of Job as of today. What struck me was this: God likened Himself to a crocodile, and after He spoke of Himself thus, Job repented. Consider these words, and think of God as you do… Can you catch a crocodile with a hook or put a...

Book of Job

I usually avoid that guy. Boils all over his body. Know-it-all friends. A crabby wife. But, as it turns out in the Grand Scheme of Things, I’m reading the Book of Job right now. (Yep, one of those one year Bibles has me reading Job in August. In Texas. Where the...

Creepy Health Sermon

Watch out folks, I feel a rant coming on. We turned on the TV last night and saw our friend Joel’s face all smiley and southerny. The audience crowd looked to be as large as a superbowl crowd. I hadn’t really heard him preach before, so we decided to...

Who is Jesus?

Today at Staff Conference, Alan Hirsch talked about the importance of the centrality of Jesus. He asked, “What would happen if Jesus were airdropped down into your church today?” I wonder. Then he had us list traits of Pharisees. We listed things like:...

Book Recommendations for busyness

I’ve found two books particularly life-giving, as I’ve navigated a crazy-busy life. * Margin by Dr. Richard Swenson. I’d skip the first half of the book as itis a bit tedious and statistic-y, but the latter half is revolutionary. Swenson gave me...