God sees her

Oct 17, 2010Heal from the past

I knew.

I knew.

Why? Because Jesus whispered her plight into my ear.

So I waited, and she told me. Of the pain of abuse. Of how tired she felt. I felt inadequate to offer encouragement, but I pray the Lord will cause me to see her again, so I can pray for her, to let her know that God sees her. He sees the abuse. He declares it wrong. And He wants to rescue her.

Yes, even here. Even amid 4000 congregants of world leaders, there are people deeply wounded.

And yet, God chooses to whisper their stories into our ears so we can be His embrace. I pray she’d feel His embrace tonight as she sleeps. I pray she understands how beautifully loved she is. I pray God would deliver her. He sees her. He loves her enough to whisper her pain to me. And He is mindful.